When to Replace Your Air Conditioner Filter: A Guide

A clear sign that your air conditioner filter needs to be replaced is when the back of the unit is too hot. There is more dust near the ventilation grilles and the filter itself is gray and dirty. It's important to check the filter at least once every two months and replace it at the first sign of dirt. Most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies recommend changing the filter every 90 days or 3 months, but this may vary depending on your home's location, if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment.

If you have pets in the house, you should consider changing the filter every 60 days or 2 months, and for households with multiple pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, we recommend changing the filter every 20 to 45 days. Vacation homes or vacant homes that don't have much use can usually wait to change filters every 9-12 months. Fiberglass air filters are the more affordable of the two, but less efficient at capturing dust and particles in the air. They usually need to be changed every 30 days or less.

When mercury rises, Lighthouse Mechanical Heating and Cooling helps keep you cool with services that optimize your air conditioning system. In general, filters with a MERV 16 rating or lower are considered HVAC system grade filters for residential, commercial, and general hospital use. Children are more sensitive than adults to indoor air pollutants such as mold, dust mite debris, dander and pollen, so turn your home into an oasis by using quality air filters and replacing them before they become clogged and dirty too much. It will be easier for you to remember to do this important task if you learn how often to change your air filter in the first place.

If you have allergies, you can reduce your symptoms by using a high-quality air filter and adopting a more frequent replacement program. After a period of smoky days with poor outdoor air quality, inspect the air filter to see if it needs to be replaced. You will no longer be able to filter the air properly, allowing dust and contaminants to enter the HVAC system. It is not used to purify the air you breathe, but to protect the sensitive components of your HVAC system.

Consider all of these factors when determining a replacement program and deciding what type and quality of filter you should use.

Kelli Hanners
Kelli Hanners

Wannabe internet aficionado. Proud social media ninja. Wannabe bacon trailblazer. Freelance travel evangelist. Wannabe twitter buff.

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